*yawn*, another Phison E26 drive that is pretty much the same as the crucial t700 thats been out for a bit now…
Yeah, but the T700 is still the fastest 4TB drive. Nobody has beaten that
Tell me when there are gen 5 drives that run as cool as gen 4
Pretty funny that solid state drives that are supposed to be solid are back to relying on mechanical elements to operate.
In all likelihood if it’s not happening now it will never happen.
Expensive, hot, and “bottom” of the chart with the exception of certain synthetic workloads.
Gotta say, E26 drives are not super interesting right now, even with these “wave2” versions coming out.
Dark horse of the lineup was definitely the old SN850, being competitive with the P44 Pro more often than not. Also fun to see there is a benefit to the enterprise-oriented 7450 Max.
I think I’m good with my solidigm p44pro for a while. That efficiency is pathetic.
I narrowly missed one of those on newegg for my Linux drive; going with a 990 pro… ended up having to get the one with the apocalyptically ugly heat spreader tho, unfortunately.
990 pro still has better random speeds than even this Corsair MP700
That heat spreader tho… fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!
You can buy an M.2 heatsink for like $10 if it really bothers you that much
I know but holy crap it’s something not to be forgot in a hurry.
But 12gb a sec is pretty amazing!! Also, loading plex Metadata in the new gen NVME drives is a blessing. Also… 130$ for a 1tb is not really expensive.
Gen 5 drives are so lame lol
I’m having a blast with them. You’ll need some effort to take advantage of them, though. For example, standard C or C++ file IO lets the operating system do some buffering/caching in the background, which completely thrashes CPU and consequently also read performance. Do unbuffered reads, for which you’ll unfortunately have to use native winapi because its not in the c standard, an you’ll be able to fully utilize the SSD.
lol how I bought a t700 and love it
Double the price of a good gen 4 drive, with little performance gain and the requirement of a hilariously big cooler.
It’s only $150 aud more than the 990 pro and my motherboards cooler keeps it under 65c so how is it hard to cool
Why? Because they all run so hot they require big heat spreaders?
Also in real world situations you are very unlikely to notice performance differences vs a Gen 4 drive.
So I don’t know anything about SSD controllers, but will eventually a new controller come out that runs cooler and more efficient or are we basically stuck with this until Gen6? What I mean is, is the controller constantly updated on at a rate new CPUs/GPUs come out, or does only 1/2 controllers come out a generation such that there is no point in waiting or hoping for better efficiencies until next gen?
I would settle for being this hot if the performance was better.
How fast is fast enough? My 990 Pro on Pci-E gen 5 motherboard gets 7.4 GB/sec speeds.
My t700 gets to 11gb a second transferring files and stays under 65c I don’t why everyone is complaining?
Not fast enough until everything is instantaneous