• FactoryOfShit@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    CryoUtilities didn’t perform any voodoo magic. It merely changed some system settings. System settings known to most Linux users, and, very obviously, to such proficient Linux experts as the developers of SteamOS. So if these tweaks magically gave a higher performance on most titles, why wouldn’t Valve have included these settings as default? Why even after a year of these magical utilities existing have they not realized the benefits and not set these settings as default in an update?

    Simple. Because the supposed benefits have always been mostly placebo and inconsistent testing. Sure, some games benefit from more that 1GB of VRAM or perhaps from having some other setting changed. But there absolutely was never any real trend of these tweaks improving performance across the board.

    Of course, voicing this would always be immediately met with a swarm of downvotes and people arguing that “it worked for me!” without understanding that this is exactly how placebo functions.

    Just like stating that the backlight PWM is not related to the framerate of the screen in any way would be met with people piling on to tell you that they “clearly see the difference in backlight PWM when they lower the framerate”, without realizing that they obviously see something else. Some would even claim to see the wave effect you see when filming PWM-controlled lights with a digital camera which is a phenomenon caused by the rolling shutter of the camera, and thus impossible to see with the human eye.

  • hl3_for_Eli@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    “It’s easier to fool some than to convince them they’ve been fooled,”

    CryoUtilities was always a placebo. We convice ourselves of untrue things all the time, it’s human nature. But it takes actual maturity to accept you were mistaken. Take the L, CU defenders.

    Also, apologize to that one guy here who was trashed incessantly for the sin of being correct

    • PhysicalIncrease3@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      He deserves it. This subreddit can be extremely anti-intellectual and it drives away those with actual knowledge from bothering to contribute. If you don’t understand what the tweaks behind Cryoutilities do, surely it’s pretty obvious that you have little to add to the discussion?

      People will justify their actions with bullshit excuses. “He didn’t provide evidence” - he has. “He wasn’t very nice about making his points” - he has been attacked relentlessly for months and has every right to be annoyed.

      And it’s FAR from just Deathblade. There are actually loads of us who’ve raised concerns about some of the tweaks employed by the CryoUtilities tool. Setting swappiness to a low value? Sure, probably a decent idea. Turning on transparent hugepages? Probably helps some workloads, probably hurts others.

      But setting a 16GB swap file on a 64GB deck was always downright a very bad idea, for example. Turning off memory defragmentation is obviously going to have consequences as uptime increases.

      But why bother sharing knowledge on here and getting relentless downvotes and abuse? Honestly, ask yourself: Would you have bothered to speak up? I know I didn’t.

      • bannedwhileshitting@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        His problem is not his knowledge or if he’s actually right or wrong. It’s his abrassive attitude. A toxic know-it-all. I don’t even care about the thing he’s talking about, I just plain don’t like assholes.

        • deathblade200@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          the Ironic thing is is the ones with the “abrasive” attitudes and behaving like “assholes” are the ones who will attack and downvote anybody who doesn’t just believe cryos every word. no matter what excuse people like you wish to make the problem is the cryo followers not the people who try to explain the reality of the “tweaks”

      • Hollow_Nightmare@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        You are beyond clueless lol. The reason he’s hated is cause he’s been hating on CU2 relentlessly in each given thread about the software without providing much evidences of himself and being a total asshole to everyone.

        It’s fine if someone says that they don’t think CU2 is good and makes valid points with evidences to back it up, but he hasn’t done that and instead just makes aggressive comments after comments regurgitating the same shit.

        On one hand you have a linux veteran with decade of experiences making extensive benchmarks about his own free tool and describing in details what it does vs a rando on reddit just making hate comments with no evidence to backup what he says. And no, just making a video showcasing 1 game with it isn’t enough, it’s not even close to what Cryo does.

        Cryo himself said he tried to have a technical conversation with him back when CU came out but he was apparently being a total asshole.

        • deathblade200@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Cryo himself said he tried to have a technical conversation with him back when CU came out but he was apparently being a total asshole.

          wait is this the lie he is spreading to people? if so I’ll expose the chats and show that he could not explain what I questioned and gave basically “it just works” answer to my valid questions. even claims his proof is other people. so please show me where he said this shit and I’ll post the whole chat if its true because fuck him if he is going to play like that just because I call out his lies and showing he doesn’t know as much as he pretends his does.

        • PhysicalIncrease3@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          You are beyond clueless lol.

          The fucking IRONY. Dude I’ve been a sysadmin devsecops engineer for 2 decades.

          It’s fine if someone says that they don’t think CU2 is good and makes valid points with evidences to back it up

          He has. That’s the thing: He has. You’re just too dumb to understand what’s being said. Multiple people have. What about this for a valid point: What use is a 16GB swap file if literally 0 bytes of it are in use?

          On one hand you have a linux veteran with decade of experiences

          All of us have decades of experience. Believe it or not, but there are actually lots and lots of people who’ve been using Linux for a very long time out there.

          And none of us (including cryobyte) are anywhere near the top of the tree. Not even close.

          it’s not even close to what Cryo does.

          It’s actually interesting you say that, because it’s long since been pointed out that Cryo’s own videos don’t prove his point.


          I’d like you to watch that video and provide evidence as to why he recommends a 4GB vram buffer. His own charts show it as slower… Yet he recommends it anyway.

          just making a video showcasing 1 game with it isn’t enough

          Here’s the obvious truth: There is no amount of evidence that will be enough. This German dude has benchmarked 120 fucking games for fucks sake, and this post is still littered with people refusing to acknowledge that there is no benefit to “CU2”.

          Cryo himself said he tried to have a technical conversation with him back when CU came out but he was apparently being a total asshole.

          I’ve spoken with him myself, and I can tell you now: He cannot explain why a 16GB swap file is necessary if it literally isn’t being used at all.

          Not that I have any grudge nor disrespect for the guy, quite the opposite. His utility is a nice tool. The main issue I have is the “reccomended settings” part, because it obfuscates the good tweaks from the bad. And it’s not his fault at all, but his fandom is such that it OBVIOUSLY is hampering debate about what tweaks are valuable, which aren’t, and how to push things forward.

          • Hollow_Nightmare@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            You missed my entire point. No matter how true what deathblade says is, his points are hindered by his child-like attitude and condescending behavior. His inability to thoroughly give as detailed analyses as Cryo makes his points fall flat. If he has time to post in literally just about every threads about the software to criticize it and its owner, he should spend it making a video comparison instead.

            The fucking IRONY. Dude I’ve been a sysadmin devsecops engineer for 2 decades.

            I was talking about you blately ignoring the way he acts, not your linux knowledge.

          • deathblade200@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            I’ve spoken with him myself, and I can tell you now: He cannot explain why a 16GB swap file is necessary if it literally isn’t being used at all.

            this is exactly my experience

      • mightylawngn0me@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        You seem rational, so I’ll ask you;

        “He didn’t provide evidence” - he has.

        Any source on this? I’ve been unable to find anything. I’ve skimmed through their post and comment history and only come up with the equivalent of “nuh-uh!”. I’d like to consider their input valuable if they showed any interest in backing it up in any way other than just claiming their in depth knowledge, the idiocy of anyone who supports CU and then calling out others to prove their claims.

        I don’t know anything about Linux, steam deck was my first exposure. I don’t know who’s right or wrong on this and I don’t have CU installed since my SSD upgrade. For the record, I’ve tested nothing and perceived no difference. But I have become pretty averse to accepting blatant hypocrisy and disingenuous discussion and I do have a fair grasp of hardware and performance testing. For example claiming that this video, that does not present 0.1% and 1% lows, can prove anything in regards to smoothness of gameplay, and therefore one of the main claims of CU, is both disingenuous as well as poor performance testing.

        You say Deathblade deserves redemption. I’d say they’ve earned the response they’ve received, regardless of whether they as a person deserve it.

        You say the sub is anti-intellectual and those who don’t understand the tweaks have little to contribute. I’d say those who are unable or unwilling to backup their claims fit the same mold. I do commend the youtuber’s effort even if I think the result is flawed. So far I’ve only seen two people put any actual effort into the debate, the creator of this video and Cryo himself. But I would would love to see some others do the same if they’re going to crusade so vehemently one way or the other.

        I’m genuinely curious about the results.

  • kadupse@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s not that it’s “no longer necessary” - it was never useful in the first place.

    The UNA framebuffer setting was always a severe misinterpretation by this subreddit (and purposely not fully explained by Cryo) that only matters for Windows users.

    The thousand page file tweaks were literally placebos. And the mere idea that Valve, the people working on low level drivers and Proton, wouldn’t know how to properly setup page files for their gaming device is laughable.

    The only setting that had the potential of mattering was the increased swap, but thanks to the increased complexity of a shared memory architecture this is extremely circunstancial and really dependent on what the game is doing. Most of the time, the “improvement” was preventing a single frame time spike every once in a while.

    Now you might think “jeez, but why are people so angry when talking about this?” because whenever somebody questioned the claims of this tool, or more importantly, the inner workings of the took, this subreddit would downvote them to oblivion. It’s bizarre that a literal placebo became almost worshipped in this place. And boy the clickbaity “make HOGWARTS LEGACY amazing” Cryo videos that took 30 minutes to show, after all the possible tweaks, margin of error differences that were explained as “oh no, I can’t measure any real improvement but trust me it feels better!”

    If somebody is showing you supposed results of their tool, but also claiming they can’t really be measured by any real metric and must be “felt”… they’re gaslighting you.

    If you go back 6 years, you’d see something similar on Android communities. Somebody would make a post about how you could change some build.prop parameters and delete the battery calibration file (which Google engineers explained was not even used) and that would make your performance significantly better! Of course, the person posting this amazing tip was also promoting their YouTube channel, and their PayPal tips jar. Rings a bell?

    Will using the tool somehow harm your device? No, it won’t. Will it improve performance? No, it won’t. Can we finally put this whole ordeal to rest?

    • Woodtoad@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      And apparently the “downvote to oblivion” trend is still in full force, lol.
      Preach brother!

    • deathblade200@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      it was never useful in the first place.

      been saying this shit forever now lol

      If you go back 6 years, you’d see something similar on Android communities

      funny enough these are all tweaks that you would find in build.prop files aside from the 4GB vram “tweak” which isn’t a thing on android . I’ve stated many times that just like those build.prop posts cryo is just a pretender.

      • DrKrFfXx@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        You really never explained why the placebo effect improves minimums % framerate almost consistently.

  • TheonlyrealJedi@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    In my experience CU mainly improves the min fps and therefore makes the Framerate more stable. I don’t think the selling point ever was to drastically increase the average fps.

    • Gaeus_@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Yup. Starfield is now somewhat stable at 27 lows.

      Without CU it would drop bellow 15.

      • deathblade200@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        I will add though : before the official release of 3.5.5 cu WAS improving performance.

        it never did it was always a placebo but people went so diehard on it they are afraid to admit being wrong.

        • Gaeus_@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Problem with that, is that in all your months of campaigns against cryo, you never provided any benchmark or comparison, very “boy who cried wolf” of you.

          I just did, it took me 20 minutes.

          And I did it before 3.5 and OLED too, I just simply did not consider the performance increase from 3.4 was 3.5 ALONE, since I was now used to think that cu=better due to my OWN test under 3.4 and it’s precursors.

          • deathblade200@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            he says as if people won’t make excuses regardless of whats done. just look at the comments in this very they are trying to pull out any excuse they can to avoid the truth. hell nobody could ever even beat challenges I provided and for good reason. but lets pretend I’m the problem and not cryo misleading everybody

            since I was now used to think that cu=better due to my OWN test under 3.4 and it’s precursors.

            not you were wrong then just as you thought you were right at the beginning of this post.

            • Gaeus_@alien.topB
              10 months ago

              Well mate. If I was wrong about 3.4, then consider this the fourth time (I think) I’ve asked you about benchmark of cu vs non-cu on a steamdeck pre 3.5

    • Jeoshua@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      It’s true. The point of any tweaks that have been discussed has never been to increase top end performance.

  • PhysicalIncrease3@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My main issue with “CryoUtilities” is the way that the application has become much bigger than the tweaks it employs.

    It’s actually a really useful utility. It’s the blanket application of “recommended settings” that grinds my gears.

    There are some settings that are likely to be broadly helpful: Swappiness for example.

    Others are likely to help performance in some games, not in others: Transparent hugepages for example.

    There are also some I don’t reccomend: 16GB Swap file for example.

    The problem is that by bunching these disparate tweaks together, you obfuscate which are helping, which are hindering and which are doing neither. It’s just bad practice.

  • DrKrFfXx@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Tests 120 games, doesn’t meassure the 1% and 0.1% minimums?

    Averages mean jackshit if the minimums are bad.

    • SteamDeckChecker@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      i dont tested 120 Games. 6 Games, each with middle and high setting. and each setting with Cryo and without. But i run every benchmark 5 times to avoid measure failures.

  • jspikeball123@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Sorry, say all you want about CU but it feels smoother with it installed. And a review going on without 1% lows or minimums or frame timing is one I can safely ignore

    • kadupse@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      CU but it feels smoother with it installed

      That’s how a placebo works. It truly does feel smoother, better, etc.

      But when you measure it, you realize it’s just your mind playing tricks on you.

        • kadupse@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Sure, but my point isn’t based on the video at all. With the video or without the video, there’s no technical basis for the claims made by Cryoutilities.