I’m having some issues on the latest “stable” channel firmware.

I’ve just upgraded to a new OLED, 1TB. Several times now I’ve started up a game only to have it be a slideshow, and quitting the game crashes and restarts the system. This was happening with the Dead Space remake, which has been a problem game before, so I assumed it was just that game. But then it happened with Tetris Effect and Resident Evil 2.

I’ve also just had an issue where, after entering Desktop for the first time on this device, and then returning to game mode, all the UI is smaller like it’s scaled for a 1080p or 1440p screen, and the linux mouse pointer stayed on screen until I shut down and started back up again.

I’m curious if anyone else is seeing this kind of behaviour. It’s the least stable I’ve seen a deck be since original launch, and my thinking is it has something to do with them pushing the OLED-supporting update to the stable branch to make sure everyone was on the same page for that launch, to better accommodate SSD swaps and stuff. But the update is pretty comprehensive, improving a lot of performance for all Decks, and I suspect the deadline necessitated it get pushed in a bit of an undercooked state.

I’m not looking to fix it, more to validate that it ain’t just me seeing some of this stuff.