I wasn’t there when the Steam Deck first went available for purchase, but I read about the chaos. About how everybody was trying to get a preorder, and how a lot of people lost their chance for the simplest of errors.

I want to try for the limited edition Deck tomorrow, but I have no idea how is it going to be, and how quickly can I loose my chance, so I’m here asking you guys.

•Do I have to be on the steamdeck.com homepage or in the steam store (and in the browser or the windows launcher?)

•Do I have to keep refreshing until a get the opportunity to buy one?

•Do I get a button that says “BUY NOW” or what do I get?

•If I get the chance to get in, do I get a few minutes of reservation (like when ticket websites save your seat for like 3minutes until you pay) or can I loose my chance in the time I take to pay?

•Are there any other tips you guys can give to get an idea of the mayhem we are about to experience tomorrow?

Thank you for whatever little bit of advice you can give this soul that desperately wants that red-translucent beauty

  • Jinglebenis@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Fast internet and pre saved payment data are your best bet. The orange coming soon button will say buy now when it’s time

  • coldflowers17@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    unfortunately there is no way to set your location for delivery in steam without purchasing a product, and you have to fully complete the purchase for the address to save, however no matter what if you have an address it will still pull up the page, you will just have all the address info already pasted there, saving time for you lucky ones

    unfortunately for people like me, who has a different address in steam than my actual address because I have moved at some point, there is no way to change it so you’ll have to type your new address hopefully really fast :(