Delayed to what? To rumors? AFAIK there was no official release announced…
Delayed to what? To rumors? AFAIK there was no official release announced…
Oh, man Propaganda Minister CEO Pat strikes again.
Before you downvote me here are some facts. Intel is cooking the books:
The actual earnings release from Intel
Margins rise, yeah? What do you as a layman associate margins with? I sell stuff and after expenses i get to keep some money yes?
Page 6:
Loss before taxes: $54 Million
Tax benefit, i.e. tax break. $310 Million.
Net income $297 vs revenue of $14.158 Billion.
Page 13 Operating Margin: -0.1%
But what? Where are the margins rising as in the article?
Intel is
selling off assets, mostly parts of mobileye
getting tax handouts. The aforementioned $310 Million.
Shutting down business units like it is no ones business.
Look up GAAP vs. non-GAAP. (That is why GAAP accounting rules exist so companies can’t pull these kind of stunts with impunity)
So their business is not contributing to anything. Intel is living off it’s substance and is using that to make it’s books and subsequently headlines look pretty.
Yes, look at everything expect that stuff that beats intel. Makes sense…
Mantle was mind blowing and changed gaming forever. It transformed to Vulkan. DirectX12.1 is basically Mantle too.
2013 was awesome. Before the graphics world felt kind of stale. Then bam, bam, bam: Ocoulus Rift, Mantle, G-Sync, 16nm GPUs. Good times.