China still have ways to go, but this show that they seems to make at least some progress
All the interesting Chinese chips are by other companies. Huawei, Alibaba, etc. all have CPUs that blow this out of the water.
China still have ways to go, but this show that they seems to make at least some progress
All the interesting Chinese chips are by other companies. Huawei, Alibaba, etc. all have CPUs that blow this out of the water.
The fun fact is that it actually costs more to do this
Do you have a source? IIRC, the move to custom cores was explicitly cited as a concern for ARM’s revenue.
Afaik Intel actually designed this Ericsson chip or so I was told.
Lol, sure you didn’t hear that from me? I mentioned it on the Anandtech forums some months ago.
They’ve been trying. And thus far, failing.
Apparently not a problem for Qualcomm, Mediatek, Samsung, or Huawei. And Apple certainly doesn’t shy away from litigation.
DDR6 is years away.
Mediatek, Samsung, and Huawei also have their own modems.
I doubt any big, mainstream western corporations would use GeForce cards for AI
Why wouldn’t they?
Then why don’t you just stick with the App Store?
Tbh, I don’t pay much attention to their authors. What drama did he cause?
That’s an Intel custom/semi-custom chip, not a true 3rd party design win. Intel 4 isn’t even being offered through IFS. Pretty shoddy article.
RDNA1 and 2 were pretty successful
AMD’s dGPU marketshare has been doing terribly these last few years. Clearly they weren’t successful enough.
Vega was very successful in APUs
Compared to what? Intel?
but was still successful for data center
AMD’s marketshare in the datacenter is pretty darn negligible.
Also, he ran graphic divisions, not a Walmart. People don’t fail upwards in these industries at these levels.
Why do you think it’s any different? There are plenty of high profile examples even at the CEO level?
The fact is that every notable initiative Raja’s been a part of for the past decade-ish has been a failure vs original targets. At a certain point, one has to acknowledge a common factor.
Nvidia will not make a X090 series GPU with the AI stuff turned off.
That’s what they said about the Titan line, at one point…
You seem to have a very selective habit when you read on what your read. I state “up till now” and “until recently”, read more carefully next time.
You were making claims about what they were researching, not what they’ve released. These are not the same thing. And your sentence was a gramatical mess, do maybe consider writing more clearly?
You can obviously google for past interviews/news, similar to any other company investment, but in the first 5 seconds I found this
Your claim was that Apple invests as much as anyone else in AI. There’s nothing in that link to suggest that statement is true. So am I to presume you just made it up?
You are joking , yes? MS, Google , Meta, Samsung, Intel etc did not made any statements on especially Apple? are you living under a stone or something?
Sure. Please find where those companies suggested regulation in a field they don’t participate in. Much less AI-specific.
Rumors are that the 4070ti Super will have 16GB, no? Depending on pricing, that might be a good fit.
You yourself stated elsewhere in this thread that the US Patent system is a farce, and based off the fact that they granted Lenovo a patent on scrolling directions on a trackpad I think it only further proves your point.
That has nothing to do with your claim that this is some kind of proxy war between China and Taiwan. Tech companies sue each other for this kind of shit all the time. Were the Apple-Samsung lawsuits secretly a proxy war between the US and Korea? No? Then why would this be?
It is also no big secret that the Chinese government exercises a fair amount of control over the companies that operate within its borders, and that the CCP takes particular issue over Taiwanese independence
And you think part of this grand plan is a minor patent scuffle between two laptop OEMs? On what planet does that make sense? If China wanted to do something to Taiwanese tech companies, they could do so far more directly.
Although not on-device only , they were till recently investing on this. Yes cloud resources were used but their development was focusing on on device process.
Where did you see this? Again, last rumors I saw indicated there were considering cloud-based solutions, as well as hybrid and on-device.
Apple “invested” which means it can be on any company or research dealing with AI.
Where are you getting your numbers from?
I have difficult to believe that anything Google, Meta, MS, Samsung, Nvidia (or many others) propose will be in good faith the same as Apple
Maybe, maybe not. But you don’t see them making sanctimonious proclamations about what others should do. Again, no one’s going to take Cook’s position seriously until Apple has a stake in the matter.
Also Tim said that regulation needs to get in place, not that Apple will dictate it. A regulatory body of several companies.
Apple hates regulation. See their ongoing fight with the EU et al. And they’re happy to ignore the work of standards bodies whenever they please. If Apple wants regulation, they really want Apple-defined regulation.
I feel like “agreed” carries less weight if the agreement is non-binding.