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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • Without exception, the only people I see EXCITED about $1000 Android flagship phones are the 30-50 year old geeky men I work alongside in IT/development.

    Virtually everyone else: they either LOVE their iPhone… OR more commonly: they don’t give a crap about phones at all… and thus bought a dirt cheap Android or a very old iPhone model, because “low cost” was their number one concern.

  • Yeah, Woz really is a nerdy engineer with a heart of gold who never wanted to be famous or outrageously rich, he just wanted to make cool stuff for his friends and to challenge himself.

    Best kind of guy. It’s well known he gave away most of his early Apple stock to employees he didn’t feel got enough credit for the work they did. Which… ask yourself how many technology executives would ever consider doing that? 😮

  • When I went to Genius training in Cupertino back in early 2008, Woz came by the retail training labs and took 4 of us to get hamburgers in his Hummer. I remember he bought extra burgers for his dogs and had a machined metal business card. Just a helluva nice guy, shot the breeze about all sorts of stuff. Real nerdy, Nixie tube watch and all =)

    Hope he’s alright.

  • If you want to work for Apple, work in a corporate capacity or adjacent to them. The retail store roles are ridiculously underpaid relative to the work required, with the possible exception of store leader and above (which are considered corporate positions).

    I never worked harder for less money than when I was a Mac genius which topped out around $22/hour when I left in ‘14. Fast forward 10 years; Mac system admin, Jamf 400, $135k, full time remote. They fly me in about once a year for meetings and I attend Ignite and JNUC with some of my team.