thus far, commercially, no, for SATA at peast as far as i know.
thus far, commercially, no, for SATA at peast as far as i know.
You sure you used the right standoffs?
I have 96GB of 6600 C32 running at 6800 c32, Hynix M-die, Corsair, on an Apex Encore.
Win11 does utilize cores better than win10, but specific programs like games or editing stuff does not discriminate, and Win11 thread scheduler is not advanced enough to dictate properly.
This way you have total control over your cores’ affinities. ProcessLasso you also have control over process priority AND affinity.
I use ProcessLasso, takes a bit to set up, but 100% worth the results.
Needs more BonziBuddy.
This is a part of ProcessLasso, also made by Bitsum. It works great, even ProcessLasso free version, which allows setting process afinity AND priority. CorePark also kicks butt, is free, and also by Bitsum.
There are paid versions of ProcessLasso and CPUPark which i use.
Every time ive gone AMD ive had weird issues (aside from Steam Deck/Rog Ally which have their own issues).
I stopped building AMD systems/working on them for others.
Intels have less quirks, and better support from the start, same with Nvidia vs AMD.
Id rather spend the cash up front versus time in the long run.
Buddy just had a 970 Plus 1TB nvme die out of nowhere, one of the switcharoo models that samsung quietly swapped out tlc for qlc.
Its fairly widespread…
I rely on multi-ssd RAID arrays for work, as do many others in my line of work. None of us use TLC. Its cheaper and higher capacity, but NOT reliable.
only storage ive had fail since the seagate 1tb hdd days were qlc flash drives.
ive been running hdd’s and ssd’s, mostly tlc, since 2013 in RAID arrays with Areca cards. Before that was all HDD since the PCI-X days. Currently have 8x 4TB 850 Evos, theyd be 8TB but only QLC available in that capacity.
I have never had a tlc drive die on me, only qlc and only recently.
i hear you on cheaper storage, but reliability and speed matter as well, primarily reliability in my case.
qlc is not reliable enough, and these speeds suck balls.
galinstan alloys show higher thermal conductivity at higher temps, so in a way, yes.
…So does a chunk of metal.
OC the RAM, made the biggest difference. I OC’ed GPU as well as CPU (cant do both at the same time) and RAM OC did more in my testing.
No VRR sucks, its the best feature of the Ally
Ah yes, ‘fine wine’…
More like dry wine.
…None of this is good.
ZERO oversight.