• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • Do I really have to explain how this is dual sided?

    Since I’ve been downvoted, I guess I’ll have to.

    Our brain has been proven to change the way we perceive things. This is common knowledge. In case you need proof, just look up the effects of optical illusions and how they work. Maybe watch a few.

    The human eye shows us the world around us in about 24hz. This is why movies are mostly filmed in 24fps. The brain can change how we perceive that though. Clearly it can. Because are set to 24hz, yet we can see 60, 120, and with the new Samsung wall tv, 2000hz, this proves something is underlying. However, when you watch a movie, it is typically difficult to see individual frames.

    The gamers in this sub would have thought they plucked me apart by now. Games don’t run at 24fps, and usually when it falls below a certain threshold, we can see this and interpret it as “lagging”. This is because unlike a movie, where you are relaxed, and not making and quick decisions, (unlike a game), your brain automatically shifts to see things in the correct order, either to preserve energy, or other things which I do not know.

    In a game, adrenaline is rushing, your senses are heightened, you are thinking quicker, but less intelligent, and you make choices faster. In a game, you will notice the “lag” much more because your brain has made your eyes more sensitive to the shift in HZ.

    Now your question is, what does this have to do with the screen on a phone? Well, when a user switches from a 60hz phone to a 120hz phone, they will temporarily see a difference. Ultimately, that users brain will adjust the eyes to match the display. And vice versa. When a 120hz user returns to 60hz, they will temporarily see a decrease in performance (artificially). This makes the phone seem like it is “lagging”, as stated by other users in this thread; “If you go back to the regular display everything feels slow”. (Posted by u/M4NU3L2311).

    Anyway, I digress. Any further objections will be addressed in this comment as an edit.

  • The average user doesn’t care about OLED, 120hz, or a brighter display as long as it works. I personally would never care about 5G because it’s the same thing as 4g just slightly faster In select areas and less reliable. The camera is good enough that nobody would care. Action button is so high up that it’s useless. USB-C can actually be negative for an average user, only a small percent of those users are using usb-c accessories.