I don’t have problems connecting my SD OLED to a 5 GHz SSID, but mine refuses to connect to a SSID with WPA3 or WPA3 Transition Mode. I had to create a WPA2 only network.
I don’t have problems connecting my SD OLED to a 5 GHz SSID, but mine refuses to connect to a SSID with WPA3 or WPA3 Transition Mode. I had to create a WPA2 only network.
My OLED will not connect to WPA3. Even in Transition Mode. I had to create a new network using the older WPA2 security mode…
Literally my SD oled wouldn’t connect during out of the box setup because it was trying to associate in 6 GHz where WPA3 is required. Packet capture showed the SD deauthing itself after receiving the Association Response from the AP in 6 GHz.
When I go and try and setup the network manually it only lists None and WPA2 as security options. It won’t connect when WPA3-Personal is in Transition Mode either. Is your experience different? This seems like Valve completely overlooked the WPA3 requirement for 6 GHz operation.
Now if you break out of Steam and look underneath, it is running wpa_supplicant version 2.10 so it should have zero problems connecting to WPA3 in 6 GHz. It just seems the network manager on Steam does not support WPA3 period right now.
It is comfortable at first but I do get some wrist pain after a period of time.