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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023

  • My job is not a hardware reviewer that tests game if thats my job I’ll will jolly well find a solution to this problem. It’s like being your member of parliament I’m not the constituency mp but if I feedback any issue I jolly well expect him to come up with a solution. If that’s your thinking I think everyone’s job would be easier .I quote “so you don’t have an actual suggestion, you’re just rambling” if that’s the case my member of parliament would be laughing to the bank with his salary as I need to suggest solution to the problem that I’m facing in my estate and not him coming up to solution.

  • Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m not saying it’s not possible to test the game it’s possible but he must ensure the conditions I stated in the comment then he is able to test the game correctly. He claims that he doing accurate testing so I’m holding him up to his standard. I’m not holding up city planner plays to his standard which is stupid and ridiculous as he is only a city skylines YouTuber playing the game doing benchmark as sideline. He always said he wants accurate data but now I’m holding him to it. It’s not the generalization if he wants to use generalization then it’s correct, but sadly he published the FPS data in the video then I’ll expect the FPS data to be correct:)

  • Cause there is no better way to test put it simply this is a ridiculous game to test for FPS. If you are telling me you are testing for CPU usage I’ll would still believe it. But for your information save state doesn’t mean anything in cities skylines 1 the game has a tendency if your traffic is to high they will despawn cars immediately. What if the demand change differently during opening the save? If one suddenly has a higher demand for high rise building and it change level? Will the traffic at the block of street increase? But if there is no demand for Low rise building will the building get abandon? Will the test gets abandon at the same time will it be abandon after the test? There is a huge variance to the test. I’m not suggesting the game is running fine it’s not it’s resource hogging the image for higher resolution and lower resolution is wired what I’m trying to say is if you want to test cities skylines don’t do it this way. This is like cooking food using the same ingredients from the same supermarket but putting ingredients using feeling and expecting it to have the same variance each time. I don’t know the variance is high or not and I don’t care. What I care is if they are doing the test properly, they cannot even keep thing in the game constant ,they can’t even get correct FPS for 1 run how do you think having multiple run will get correct FPS?

  • Have you played before cities skylines 1 I have I played 2923.6 hours of cities skylines 1 I know what are the pitfall to look out for the game. Traffic Jam is the massive FPS killer in this game. Repeatable camera run cannot guarantee which building is being build at.If I have 2 green plot that is set for residential at different part of the city if the game decide to build it at the other end of the city and not at where the camera is panning, the FPS rate for that place will good. By having repeatable camera run is good for FPS Shooter whereby there will always be people coming at you but for a city building genre it is a different thing for example put it this way if there is a lot of residential at one place but there is an underdeveloped land on another side, will the side with more residential faces more traffic? Will the traffic despawn if their is too much traffic for 1 test but for another it did not? What if their is abandon building at the side he places his camera at? Will all this affect FPS? From playing cities skylines I know this will always have an effect. I’m not protecting Colossal Order about their game. Actually in my belief 30FPS is acceptable for such a game. Im not trying to recreate Tiananmen incident so I don’t need the high FPS. What I want them to do is to reduce hardware performance on this title. I’m saying is he claims his test are accurate then do it accurately. Don’t bring LTT into this, this is what he claim LTT is lacking so I’ll hold him to that standard. And to be honest City planner plays is not a hardware tester but he is just testing to see which hardware performs the best. His YouTube video is not about benchmarking and I did not see for his YouTube is specialising making benchmark results. I only see him building cities and solving traffic issues. If he wants to test so badly get a copy of a map from Colossal order tell them that the building will be the same, the jam will be the same people will be moving at the same time and at the same place everything in game will be the same. Then I’ll shut up