Many issues are occurring such as

-audio not working

-mic not working

-SD card not being recognized

-200/400 mhz bug

-docking issues

-reverting the update deleting SD card files from some posts I’ve seen

-some games performing worse or some not working at all

Probably recommend just holding off on this update and wait an update or two. I understand this update comes with the SMT fix and Color Saturation and better gpu performance but these bugs are pretty big negatives.

  • Malcontent_Cat@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The 3.5.5 stable update went flawlessly for me 🤷

    There’s a lot of noise out there because the Steam Deck is practically infinitely customizable with thousands of guides and tips on the Internet being used by people that are technically illiterate. Then they update, and one of those customizations break, and they have no idea what’s going on and just shit on Valve. Are they using an incompatible Decky plugin? Are they dual-booting the internal drive? Have they made manual customizations to their Deck from some Internet guide but didn’t really know what they were doing? Is the Micro SD card really erased or is the mount point changed or something else?

    Updating from beta or preview to stable? Valve’s undoubtedly made breaking changes between the preview versions and the final stable version, so they have to support updating to stable 3.5.5 from not only stable 3.4 but a number of preview and beta versions that have potentially been customized by users too.

    I’m not saying that there are zero problems with the 3.5.5 stable update. But Reddit will be full of complaints while everyone else is just playing with their Decks.

    • No_Bedroom1112@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      You act like people don’t try to factory reset or wipe their Steam Decks. Are you a Valve PR guy? Who has the time to write an essay for a comment - unless you’re paid for it?

    • IAmVianca@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Imagine downplaying what others have experienced upon updating and then calling them technically illiterate just because you didn’t experience the same.

      The problem isn’t just for those with customization (mods or plugins) or those who went from preview to stable. Which you would have known if you looked into it instead of shoving it under. Heck some of the issues were from the previous (stable) update build as well that has not yet been fixed.

    • Ok_Ask_190@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’m not running any mods, any plug-ins, cryo, nothing. My deck is borked and hard crashing on attempting to start games now that previously ran fine. Talk about a condescending sanctimonious post. I’m glad your deck is working fine. I really wish mine was. It’s my sole gaming device and it’s always been something I supported and loved. It’s the second one I’ve purchased because I had to sell the first to help with family medical bills. The fact they pushed a “stable” update that’s done this to me and a lot of others isn’t because of the users.