The gear shown in the “Scary Fast” behind-the-scenes footage is fairly standard for big studio productions, but Apple’s implication with these so-called “shot on iPhone” promotions is that anyone can do it if only they buy the newest iPhone.
I don’t agree with that statement at all. The only implication is that the iPhone’s camera is so good that it can be used in high-end productions. Nothing more nothing less.
This just in, professional videos shoots involve more than just a camera. More news at 11.
Did they expect some guy in a wife beater to just follow them around holding the iPhone?
Yes! And then social media manager should’ve just edit the whole keynote in the TikTok app on his phone lmao
but Apple’s implication with these so-called “shot on iPhone” promotions is that anyone can do it if only they buy the newest iPhone.
I don’t think that’s the implication at all.
I don’t think any reasonable person would think that’s the implication.
With some a couple hundred bucks worth of el’cheapo softboxes from Amazon you can get most of the way there though…
This is the stupidest take ever. Did they expect 128 iPhone flashlights in a soft box? They also used microphones. Shocker!
I’m a hobbyist videographer and this is fucking impressive. Professional lighting and gimbals would also needed to be used for pro cameras. Even if you were just shooting on a DSLR, you’d still need lighting design.
What’s actually impressive about the iPhone this time around is that they didn’t add additional LENS. That’s new. In the past you still needed to add extra glass to it.
It means that it’s just using the raw sensor and built in lens, you can replace a cinematic DSLR, that’s actually a huge deal.
Does it mean that soccer moms will start creating full feature films? No, you’d still need to know composition and lighting design and all that, but this is pretty damn cool.
Agreed. The two things that blew me away is
1: No added lens. That was always a cop-out IMO
2: Almost no one guessed that it was iPhone footage before the reveal at the end
On the typical shot on iPhone videos you could either see it clearly or it was using things like external lenses.
Apart from the HW upgrades I think the biggest difference in terms of quality is apple log. It really lets you go away from that mobile look.
Really impressive.
Very often for my Youtube channel (barely 20k subscribers), I shoot my iPhone right alongside footage from my A7C, and quite honestly, the iPhone’s is a better footage thanks to the computational aspect fixing things an idiot like me doesn’t know how to fix.
Is anyone not aware of this? Like seriously lol 🤡
Seems like more bad-faith journalism from The Verge.
Wait… they used a professional director and a professional director of photography??.. I angry they didn’t hire drunk novices. The iPhone doesn’t come with humans that have years of directing experience and photography skills! Fake!
Better than the shot on samsung commercials where the reflection showed it was a camera and not a phone?
The Verge thought just anoyone can be a news outlet, so why be upset with Apple suggesting anyone can be a filmmaker?
I wonder if this would be any different if the video was filmed using a Samsung or a Pixel phone, with all the same additional equipment.
I doesn’t say Lit with iPhone. This is the dumbest fucking thing lol
Apple just needs to replace their lighting with 1000 iPhones strapped together with the flashlights on
What a dumb post. Nobody making professional video thinks you can achieve production quality like that without other gear and lighting. The person writing this post has never taken a photography class obviously. A camera is just one of many tools required to make a great video or take a great photo. The fact that they did that with a 1k iPhone and not a 20k camera is fantastic.
I suggest the author from this verge post go take photography 101.
Though the implication I took away from it is that its something I could do if I bought an iPhone.
Expecting a studio production level of knowledge from the layman seems like a bit of a steep requirement
In other news, water is wet.
This is stupid. If you have a $35k Red camera you would need the same equipments. Apple is just showing professionals that the iphone is capable of doing professional video and should be in a cinematographer’s arsenal. That’s it. That’s the whole thing. That’s what shot on iphone mean.