I have decided I want to get 32MB or RAM. I assume its cheaper to buy elsewhere but is it worth the uncertainty vs just buying directly from Framework?
Is this https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-5600MHz-5200MHz-4800MHz-CT16G56C46S5/dp/B0BLTDRRLF/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2QR8M6CIJKNCJ&keywords=16GB%2BDDR5-5600%2BSO-DIMM&qid=1698300741&sprefix=16gb%2Bddr5-5600%2Bso-dimm%2Caps%2C228&sr=8-2&th=1 compatible with the 13?
I have the 64GB version of that kit and like glumpoodle said, it works fine for the AMD Ryzen 5 7640U Framework 13.