My use case is playing a handheld device on my couch for 15 minutes at a time. I want to be able to turn the device off and then instantly resume the game a week later, like the Nintendo switch. I also value a really nice screen.

I intend to never use this device outside the house.

I already have a nintendo switch oled for older/retro and want something to play AAA games handheld on the couch (Baldur’s gate).

I don’t have time to fuss around with the device.

Thinking of getting a PS5 and playstation portal.

Any reason I should go for steam deck (or other handheld PC) over PS5 and portal?

I think the PS5 and portal will be a better idea, because PS5 can run all aaa games, and there is no fussing with it although slightly concerned about how well the sleep function works on it. Looking for alternate viewpoints.


  • Nemnapos@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I would go with a Deck and a PS5. Honestly the PS Portal cant do anything without the PS5.

    You can Stream all your stuff to the Deck and even Run games directly on it.

  • erwan@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m partial but I would still go for the Steam Deck, as it can do what the Portal does plus more. You can still stream your PS5 games to the Deck, and additionally you can play PC games natively. Typically when a humble bundle is released you can grab a few games for cheap and play them on the Deck. Sales are also better on Steam, so for indies or less demanding games that run great on the Deck you can get them for cheaper and play natively on the Deck.

    The only disadvantage I see is that the Deck will have wrong glyphs (ABXY instead of PS) but if you’re used to PS buttons positions and don’t look at the glyphs you should be fine.

  • Bimbluor@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Afaik, refurbished steam decks availability is location based, but they go as cheap as $320 so not a massive step up from the portal in terms of price.

    You can also stream PS5 to Steam deck fairly easily with Chiaki. Setup takes maybe 5 minutes and after that it’s literally just press a button and go.

    If pricing is a big issue I would say Ps5 + portal, but frankly the extra cost to get a Deck + PS5 gives a ton of additional value so it would be the best overall result.

    If you don’t have a PS5 or gaming PC currently, then the deck (standalone) isn’t great for AAA gaming. Most recent AAA games either won’t run or won’t go above 30FPS even with lowered settings. In general I see the steam deck as an accessory to go with my PS5/PC. It runs older/indie titles great, but anything AAA I generally stream from my console/PC.

    Sleep function is also mixed on SD so keep that in mind. For most games it seems to work well, but some will have issues with sleep mode. It’s definitely not as stable as the PS5s rest mode.

  • chrisdpratt@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ll just say the initial reviews of the portal are not exactly kind. It’s not as seamless as Sony made it out to be, and there’s times when it just drops, won’t connect, etc. You’ll have these same issues occasionally with any form of game streaming, but the point is that the portal isn’t buying you anything your phone or another device like the Deck that can remote play PS5 too can’t.

    My biggest concern, though, is the joysticks. I actually just had to buy a new PS5 controller because stick drift finally set in. That’s a potential issue for most controllers on the market, but in all my years of gaming, this is the first time, I’ve had to junk a controller because of this issue. I’ve probably just been very lucky, but the DualSense is known for this being a bit more prevalent than it really should be. The long and short is that you’re still essentially buying a $200 controller. It just has a screen attached. If you start to get something like stick drift, it’s done. At least the Deck’s joysticks are replaceable.

  • ryde041@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    In a similar dilemna myself. and stumbled here from Googling…

    Two differences are that I own a PS5 already and that I’m a tech tinkerer. However, on the latter note I’d be looking for as tinker free xperience as possible for this one use case (the quick gaming sessions)…

    Bookimarking to read the other replies…

    For me I was initially going Portal for the simplicity reason (and to not have something where I can tinker too much that it becomes a chore to play… ), however, Bluetooth was the deal breaker for me for a cheaper streaming device (albiet with a good screen and controls etc.). If I have to buy headphones on top of the cost it ends up getting closer and closer to a Steam Deck which can also stream… Its not as sexy I guess but its at home anyway!

    • jwad86@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      You can get great IEMs for under $30. I know everyone loves the convenience of wireless but the sound quality is better with some good IEMs.

      • ryde041@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Of course. Dollar for dollar wired IEMs will always sound better than their wireless counter parts (obviously within reason, wouldn’t be comparing low end IEMS and top end wireless ear buds).

        With that said because the device is hand held and portable it was a deal breaker to take away the ability to use non Sony specific wireless earbuds.

        • Op3rat0rr@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Hey I’m in the same boat. What did you decide? The lack of Bluetooth on the portal feels like a deal breaker to me and now highly considering the steamdeck, despite the lack of dual sense features and more setting adjustment headaches