• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • SchighSchagh@alien.topBtoFrameworkIs FedEx really that bad?
    10 months ago

    I’ve had soooo many cases of FedEx delivering my stuff to one of my neighbors. I do occasionally get my neighbor’s packages too. Even though we all have well labeled houses.

    Additionally FedEx does shit like give you some reasonable shipping date, then it gets delayed by 2 days, then when the delay ends up being only 1 day, they pat themselves on the back for an “early” delivery. The math ain’t mathing bro.

  • SchighSchagh@alien.topBtoSteam DeckI don't need it.
    10 months ago

    So everyone selling their OG 512GB Decks for $300-350 right now.

    But Valve’s remaining stock of LCD 512s is retailing for $450, and the OLED 512 (without the etched screen) will retail for $550.

    I think a used LCD 512 will be considered by many to be better than a new LCD 256 (priced at $400).

    As such, I think my used LCD 512 will go for $450-500, so the upgrade to OLED will cost me$50-100 net. (Unless I go for the limited edition, in which case obviously it’s a fair bit more.)


  • SchighSchagh@alien.topBtoSteam DeckAre you going to upgrade?
    10 months ago

    Me, 💯 upgrading. It’s little things, but it’s so many of them that it adds up. And I’m the kind of person that does in fact notice them.

    My wife OTOH… the only difference she would notice is the longer charge cable so she’ll happily keep rocking her LCD.

    I still need to make my mind up on whether I’m going for the limited edition or not. The price difference vs the 512 OLED is pretty reasonable. Like… I can certainly upgrade my own NVMe, slap on a matte screen protector, buy a fancier case, and swap out for a transparent shell once JSAUX makes one for the OLED. After I sell the old parts, that would probably put me about $100 in the hole. So $120 for all those upgrades is fair. Buttttt the only one of those upgrades I really really want is the transparent case. So yeah I need to decide on whether to upgrade everything, or wait to upgrade the just shell once someone makes an aftermarket one.

  • Yup, this is just a super pro-consumer move.

    • discount existing products
    • add new products with improved features
      • not just a few new features… address just about every pain point anyone has at least partially
    • don’t hike up prices
    • continue supporting old hardware long-term
      • VRR and HDR support
      • maintain same APU to entice devs to keep optimizing for it

    Like bro, what more could you possibly want from a company?

  • SchighSchagh@alien.topBtoFrameworkBatch 4 Coming Soon!
    11 months ago

    Ok lads. Do we think they’re gonna fulfill all FW13 pre-orders before they start doing the 16s, or will they start the 16s soon?

    I can see it going either way. Batches are about a week apart now, so they’d be done by end of November at current pace I think. Although… Thanksgiving? Then in Dec they need to get out ~4 FW16 batches? But I’m not sure how many FW16 batches are slated for Q4, and also… Xmas.

    So it looks like it kinda just barely works to do all the 13s then all the 16s. But realistically I’d expect them to try and to push out FW16 batches 1&2 in Nov, then work on ramping up 16s as they ramp down the 13s.