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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Tronics Fix might be your guy. He does electronics repairs, which sounds like it’s at least related to what you’re looking for.

    Other than that sort of repair work, what you’re describing is just the basics of hardware troubleshooting. Identify potential points of failure and swap them out for known-good units until you figure out what caused the problem. From there most people (and even most shops) will just replace the faulty component either from their stock or with an RMA.

    Event viewer and logs like that often times take more time than they’re worth when you can just swap parts one by one in some logical order until you hit the solution. I used to do repair/troubleshooting as a side gig when I worked at Gigabyte doing board design, and my steps whenever possible were to just swap parts for known-goods. I only got out the logging tools if something was super weird and rare or I couldn’t source a component to swap quickly, which was also rare as I collected a lot of different hardware over time.

    Beyond that I might try to repair a broken board if it’s something simple like a broken header or port or something, but if you ever saw me doing a whole VRM swap or BGA soldering work, it was probably to revive something special, or too expensive to just replace.

  • It’s not storage, but memory. Storage refers to your hard drive or SSD. Memory is where processors pit data to work on.

    In your case the iGPU is reserving a portion of your system RAM, likely between 128MB and 1GB. Windows will report this as “hardware reserved.”

    You can probably change or at least view how much it is set to reserve in the BIOS. For example, my laptop with 32GB of RAM and a Ryzen 9 6980HS (radeon 680M graphics) reports 2.1GB as hardware reserved and the BIOS is set to allow 2048MiB (2GiB or about 2.1GB) for the iGPU to use.

  • The 9850H is going to crush the 6820HQ in anything CPU intensive. Your GPU won’t matter much for programming, but the former laptop being several years newer should be faster there as well. (Both integrated only or both dedicated).

    If the screen size is a deal breaker, then do for that, but if you want the faster machine, the 9850H is significantly ahead. This would have tangible benefits in things like compile times if that is something you deal with frequently.

  • How a GPU is broken down usually determines how other things are shared between those ALUs. I’ll use ARC Alchemist for this because I have the spec sheet for it.

    The A770 is broken down into 32 Xe Cores. This means it has 4096 shading units, 256 TMUs, 128 ROPs, 512 Execution Units, 512 Tensor Cores, 32 RT Cores, and 16MB of L2 cache.

    You can also think of this as each Xe Core being made of 128 shading units, 8 TMUs, 4 ROPs, 16 Execution Units, 16 Tensor Cores, 1 RT Cores, and 512KB of L2 cache.

    That Xe Core is the smallest unit you could break an Alchemist GPU into and still have every part of the larger whole. You can’t literally just do that, cut the GPU in half, but if I had to draw a diagram of one that is what would be in each Xe Core block.

    I’m not going to get into the technical side of how GPU design works, partly because that’s an entire doctorate thesis to write out, and also because I work on the CPU side and those guys are wizards to me.

  • A vapor chamber over such a small area would have little benefit. They’re great at spreading heat around, but when your IHS is already that small it’s not much better than solid copper. On something the size of EPYC or Threadripper is may make more sense, but they’ve done quite a good job of spreading the heat out by arranging the CCDs, to the point where no part of the IHS is likely saturated.

    I’d love to be able to test out one of those big-boy chips, but sadly the price tag is equally large.

  • On current CPUs, anything that needs CPU attention has to wake up the big cores. Ryzen only has big cores currently (Zen4C should be equal power within the frequency both cores can reach) and 12/13th gen Thread Director goes to the P-cores first. This means that every time you need to do something, there is a brief period where some power-hungry cores have to come out of whatever low-power state they use to perform that thing.

    With MTL the main CPU tile can in theory stay powered-down while the LPe-cores run code outside of them. Thread Director goes to these cores first, so only tasks that need more CPU are escalated to the main CPU cores.

    That is a question I can’t answer right now. It’s a wait and see both because MTL isn’t out yet, and because there are a ton of variables that can change CPU behavior in 30 tabs. Since the memory controllers are on the SoC tile, in theory they can all stay loaded, and only switching between tas would briefly hit the main CPU tile. It is also totally possible that some of those tabs are more demanding, say they leverage some hardware acceleration features of the GPU. That would involve waking that tile during interactions with the page at least.

    It’s possible power plans may affect how aggressively tiles are put to sleep, in which case you could get into OEM or even model-specific behaviors that would only be comparable through reviews.