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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • From what I’m seeing, even with APO enabled, only 4 E-Cores are actually doing anything. The rest of the cluster is parked, doing absolutely nothing.

    Actually, that’s false. They’re actually consuming power, how miniscule it may be!

    And that’s one of the many reasons I don’t understand why Intel is stuffing so many E-Cores into their CPUs. Their practicality in real-world scenarios is mostly academic from the perspective of most users.

    A quad-core or - at most - an octa-core cluster of E-Cores should be more than enough for handling ‘mundane’ background activity while the P-Cores are busy doing all the heavy-lifting.

    Frankly, I just can’t help but feel like the purpose of these plethora of little cores it to artificially boost scores in multi-core synthetic benchmarks! After all, there are only a handful of ‘consumer-grade’ programs which are parallel enough to actually make use of a CPU with 32 threads.

    Anyhow, fingers crossed for Intel’s mythical ‘Royal Core.’ A tile-based CPU architecture sans hyper-threading sounds pretty interesting… at least on paper.

  • I’ve no idea why all of a sudden everyone’s concerned about idle power consumption!

    Anyhow, it’s just a myth that Zen4 has high idle power draw than Raptor Lake. Per Guru3D, the Ryzen 9 7950X3D has a total system idle of 78W, compared to i9-13900K’s 69W. That’s only 13%.

    And in single and multli-threaded application, the 7950X3D draws 114W and 264W, respectively, compared to 13900K’s 124W and a whopping 368W.

    And let’s not forget that the 7950X3D is a chiplet based CPU with high-bandwidth interconnects and a massive 32+96MB 3D V-Cache on-board. The fact that it’s only marginally more power hungry than the monolithic 13900K at idle is quite an achievement.

  • Well, for one thing, you just proved my point! Clearly, chips fabbed on Intel 7 have far higher leakage than TSMC N6, hence they require more voltage at any given frequency to stay stable.

    Secondly, voltage is just one side of the equation. You also have to consider current because of Ohm’s Law. For example, an RTX4090 running at 1V will have far higher power consumption than an RTX4060, also running at 1V.

    And, clearly, Intel is injecting far more current into their chips than AMD which not only translates into high power consumption and heat (more amps = more heat) but also compromises long-term longevity of the silicon die.

  • Pushing silicon chips way past their optimum voltage/frequency curve, just to match the performance of 2X more power efficient competition, is hardly “progress.” Same goes to brand renames.

    It’s Phenom I vs. Core 2 Quad all over again, only the roles have been reversed!

    For example, AMD’s 2.5GHz Phenom I X4 9850 required 125W. Less than 6 months later, Intel released the 2.8GHz Core 2 Quad Q9550S which ran at 65W and had superior IPC to boot.

    And then there was the Sandy Bridge, released just 2 years later, which could easily break the 4GHz barrier with stock voltages and cooler.

    Intel - or rather their foundry - really need to step-up their game. Otherwise, Zen5 - with its rumored ~20-30% IPC uplift - is going to make things very difficult for Intel.

    For perspective, Sandy Bridge had 20% and 25% superior IPC to Nehalem and Core, respectively.

  • Come-on, man. Shipwrecks?!

    Well, a shipwreck is far more likely to destroy a flash drive than gold. At least gold can be recovered in most scenarios. Good luck recovering data from a flash drive damaged by salt water, assuming you can find such a tiny thing on the seabed among all the debris in the first place.

    As for inflation. Yes, it’s a problem. But no ‘real’ currency fluctuates nearly as much as crypto.

    One day, you’re a millionaire. The next day, you’ve got squat.

    Plus, the entire system relies on human greed. Each and every single crypto-bro I came across preaches about hoarding… almost as if it’s a pyramid scheme. No one ever talks about spending or using it as an “actual” currency, which is what it’s supposed to be.

    Crypto is all smoke and mirrors, not much unlike NFTs, as far as I’m concerned.

    You should know better.

  • Per MLID’s recent podcast, AMD is actually ‘proud’ of their GPU division. They’re punching well above their weight, considering their R&D budget is (probably) not even a quarter of Nvidia’s.

    It’s pretty impressive when you think about it.

    Their ‘secondary’ GPU division is the reason AMD has the lion’s share of the console market, the sole exception being the Switch. Though that might change in the future, now that Intel is finally serious about GPUs.

    I still don’t understand why they ditched Larabee way back when.

    In any case, I personally don’t think Su is interested in graphics or ML, or at least she doesn’t sound too enthusiastic to me whenever she discusses Radeon. Her sole focus is - apparently - consumer CPUs and data centers.

    Plus, I think Raja’s departure was a huge blow to Radeon, which ‘might’ explain why RDNA3 is so lackluster with absolute mediocre RT performance.

  • Nah.

    AD103 and AD102 are two entirely different animals. Like, we are talking about 80 vs. 144 SMs on fully enabled ASICs, alongside 8 vs. 12 memory controllers.

    There’s no way an AD103 totting 4080 Super can come even remotely close to the 4090 vanilla.

    Besides, it’s not like Nvidia can slap a $1,500 price-tag on a crippled 4090 masquerading as 4080 “Super.”

    GN’s Steve ‘Jesus’ Burke will pull out all his hairs!

    And besides, Huang has better things to worry about, like Hopper hopping on the export ban list.

    Who cares about the 4090?!