Interesting, thanks for the post. Given the differences in structure I am now more interested in what Samsung is claiming BOE infringed upon.
Interesting, thanks for the post. Given the differences in structure I am now more interested in what Samsung is claiming BOE infringed upon.
oddly one of the first games I played on my LCD because humble choice had given it me and i had redeemed, so now i will have to recheck it out!
It’s the inconsistency of what they remove that frustrates me.
SEA: My LE finally arrived yesterday (27th) - it was ordered at t+36 and origin scan (pickup) was on 20th.
When you boot an OS across the network
what’s funny is it really does smell different, sweeter, yes, cheaper, no way
definitely justifies the LE upgrade ;-)
This sort of issue is why i sent an Alienware QD-OLED monitor back - it was terrible for productivity (think color fringing) for gaming i don’t tend care or notice.
This can be fixed at OS level, hopefully valve does that.
MS seem to be ignoring the issue on desktop monitors, despite several decades ago windows having settings for different sub pixel layouts
Seattle: mine was picked up on 21st, scheduled for 24th, then moved to 28th, this mornin woke up to find it had moved up to today, except I am out of the house today and tomorrow, so I was forced to reschedule to 27th. What a roller coaster :-)
I (a Brit in SEA) always said the PNW was more like Canada than the USA, seems to extend to shipping too lol.
I haven’t had a scan update since the 21st when it was picked up, due 24th originally, estimated now 28th.
I haven’t had a update since the 21st when it was picked up!
Good to know its a bunch of us in the same boat. thanks.
my LE picked up (origin scan) on 21st, estimated to get here on Tu 28th (also in PNW)
what was your UPS origin scan time and date?
Nice, seattle here, ordered at t+36 mins and not expected to get here until the 28th (picked up on 21st), now i have to engage with the wife all thanksgiving weeked. ;-)
What dock do you have steam or jsaux?
On valves dock i believe you may need tom update the firmware (someone else reported this).
On jsaux - i had terrible issues with monitor compatibility so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did you look at your tracking on the tracking site - it should tell you the pick up time and date - this is known as an origin scan (this is what ups and others call it in their apps)
Yeah what’s up with Seattle UPS - usually so good. My LE was ordered t+36mins, I had origin scan on 21st and now due 28th. I had an order from mouser arrive yesterday - it took 7 days too. Very odd.
I am I Seattle ordered t+36 mins and current estimate is Tuesday 28th. Where was your origin scan location?
West coast shipping to SEA seems borked. Got origin scan and pickup on 21st, estimated delivery is 28th. Guess they sent it UPS walking speed, lol.
Anyone have more success in Seattle metro area?
Nice post, the only thing stopping me from going steamOS on my gaming PC is 1) state of nvidia drivers 2) lack of being able to install gamepass games